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Going to Uni

10 June, 2008

One of the “New Me” things I’ve decided on is that I’m going to university in September. Now coming from a poor working class background like I did, I’ve never been. I finished my formal education in the mid 80s when Mrs Thatcher had made 3million people unemployed. I walked out of school into a job.

I never got the chance to go to Uni, my parents could never afford it. No one in my family has ever been to Uni…until now.

I know you may be asking “How can he teach without ever going to Uni?” Well the answer is simple, all the training I needed to work in the post 16 sector I did via other training institutions, but never at university.

I even have letters after my name. But I’ve never been to uni.

So, come September, I’ll be there, with my satchel and Mickey Mouse pencil case, ready to expand my mind and broaden my horizons.

In case you’re wondering, I’m studying to be a real teacher…!

2 Comments leave one →
  1. 12 June, 2008 7:48 AM

    Enjoy it but you may find being an adult among eternally naive students a little dull…

  2. 11 June, 2008 5:51 AM

    Congrats! Good luck!

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